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We spend a lot of money in town - does anyone give discounts?

YES! Mention the Citroen Rendezvous at these places:

  • 15% off at Ravenous Creperie, 21 Phila St.
  • 20% off food and beverage at NaNola, 2638 Rte 9, Malta, NY 12020
  • 10% off rosé at Crush and Cask Wine and Spirits, 170 S. Broadway

How can I help?

So glad you asked!

  • You can donate stuff to the silent auction. Details about how to do this will be forthcoming.
  • You can make a food pantry donation in honor of Gelseigh Cannon. Non-perishable food items collected will go to the Franklin Community Center.
  • You can sign up to volunteer when you register (or get in touch later).
  • You can make a donation to the Rendezvous when you register. Or any time, really.

Do you have any recommended accommodations?

The Saratoga Springs Convention and Tourism Bureau and various travel websites are excellent sources of information. That said, the following are close to the center of action at the Holiday Inn (232 Broadway):

How does the Sunday driving tour work? Do I need to drive a Citroen?

Art Harvey, a Saratoga Springs local, will be leading the driving tour.

  • You can drive anything you want - no judgment.
  • Starting point is the Saratoga Auto Museum at 11:30am on Sunday.
  • The drive will be at a leisurely pace on secondary roads.
  • Participants may drive any part of the route.